
Anxiety and Depression

1409500496Not again! Why won’t these thoughts STOP?

The noise in your head is increasing. The negative self-talk is debilitating.

You felt prepared last night, but now, in the moment, everything goes out of your mind – except the negative, anxious thoughts.

Those thoughts keep running through your mind like ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), tunneling to the worst parts of yourself. Those ANTs have you twisted in doubt and frozen in panic.

Stuck, immovable, and lost.

If it’s not the fear and panic of anxiety, it’s the dark depths of depression. You lay on the couch, unaware of time passing. The streaming video does little to comfort your pain.

There seems to be a cloud of hopelessness all around you. Stuck in debilitating thoughts of, “I should be doing…” and “There is no way I can get up.”

Everything seems so depleted of joy.

593973533Anxiety or depression. Which is it?

Adding to the confusion of emotions, you can’t quite tell if it’s your anxiety holding you back or your depression. They “play” together in such a painful way.

The ANTs never stop, and shame increases. The depressive thoughts lock you in the past, making you wonder, “What should I have done?” While the anxious thoughts launch you into the future, outlining every possible (though highly improbable) catastrophe.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

There are ways to begin to tame the ANTs and quiet them.

The fact that you’ve come this far and read this much proves you are ready for a change.

We will meet where the anxiety and depression have taken you, offering you a guided way out.

2117721506Tools and time strengthen.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy has many tools and skills which can be learned quickly to help reframe the ANTs.

If the anxiety or depression is rooted in a traumatic event, EMDR can help you break out of the stuck trauma response, and healing will begin.

Three proven things help many people. They include sleep, exercise, and nutrition. We understand you’ve probably heard those three things before.

We are here to help you create the internal boundaries that will quiet the ANTs and strengthen your resolve to offer yourself the self-care and compassion you deserve.

Call today to break free from the ANTs!

There is no need to continue in the spiraling hurt you have been dealing with.

Call the office today for a free 15-minute consultation and to schedule your first appointment.